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Showing posts from December, 2014

One day In the life of a freelancer

It is a herculean task to get anything done from home for a freelancer. I came to this conclusion after I tried to work from home. I thought I would be able to spend family  time as well. I hate to admit it, but I was so wrong.    Not only was it impossible to get any work done, I could barely ideate. I was constantly yelling at the kids to keep their voices down as I struggled to conjure up my thoughts after  reading the brief. All I managed was jotting down three to four points for the given assignment . I went to bed thinking I would wake up early and start afresh the next day.   I had  originally planned  to  start  the  day  at  six but then had to reschedule it to eight o’clock, since the kids left for school.   After bidding them goodbye, I was relieved that I had the whole day to do my work.  As I switched on my computer the door bell rang. It was the milk man. I put  the milk to boil, indulged in a ...